Temporary Protected Status Extended for Sudan

In response to the ongoing political unrest and violence in Sudan, the Department of Homeland Security, in collaboration with USCIS, has extended and redesignated Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Sudan. On August 18th, 2023, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced this important development.

This extension grants current beneficiaries of Sudanese nationality the opportunity to maintain their TPS status for an additional 18 months, lasting until April 19th, 2025, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Furthermore, the re-registration period has been extended to the same date, April 19th, 2025.

Additionally, this extension opens up the opportunity for Sudanese Nationals who have been residing in the United States since August 16th, 2023, and have continuously remained in the US since October 20th, 2023, to apply for Temporary Protected Status.

TPS, in essence, allows nationals from designated countries facing extraordinary circumstances that prevent their safe return home to reside in the United States for the duration of their TPS status.

Individuals granted TPS status may also explore other avenues for obtaining lawful permanent residence, such as pursuing family-sponsored petitions, employment-based visas, or asylum, depending on their unique circumstances. This development is undoubtedly a positive step for the Sudanese community residing in the United States.


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